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Building covenantal relationships among Unitarian Universalist women that equip us all to be better co-conspirators and allies in the movement for collective liberation.

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Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Finding Freedom: White Women Taking on Our Own White Supremacy

  • Wednesday, September 06, 2023
  • Wednesday, October 04, 2023
  • via Zoom
  • 1


  • Consider this rate if you answered "yes" to most or all of the questions in the sliding scale.
  • Consider this rate if you answered "yes" to some and "no" to some of the questions in the sliding scale.
  • Consider this rate if you answered "no" to most of the questions in the sliding scale.
  • Consider this rate if you answered "no" to all of the questions in the sliding scale.

Join us for this five-part workshop series that aims to deepen our individual and collective understanding of how we, as white women and white gender-expansive people, are complicit with white supremacy, how we can make changes to live more deeply and consistently into our racial justice commitments, and how we can move ourselves and other people in our networks to join the fight for racial, economic and gender justice right now. This workshop may still be useful to you if you are of mixed race and were socialized as a white female and/or you are perceived as one today.  

Who Is This For?
We are offering this series to UU community members who identify as white and female/nonbinary/genderqueer. Space is limited to 40 participants.

Who Will Lead the Program?   
Evangeline Weiss and Kari Points developed and will be delivering the series.  You can learn more about them here.

When Is It?
Wednesdays Sept 6 through October 4
(September 6, 13, 20, 27, and Oct 4, 2023)

3:30-6:00 pm Pacific
:00 pm Mountain
:00 pm Central
:00 pm Eastern

Please note: Attendance at the first session is required. If you are unable to attend that one, we ask that you do not register. After that, participants are strongly encouraged to attend all five sessions to get the most out of the program. None of the sessions will be recorded.

What Is the Cost?
NOTAFLOF (No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds)

We have a sliding scale that participants can place themselves on.  The scale is based on a similar scale used by Finding Freedom and inspired by Resource Generation’s “Class Privilege Quiz."  To find where you fit on the scale, ask yourself…

  • Are you and/or your family homeowners or landowners?
  • Have you attended private education institutions or do you have an advanced degree?
  • Are your bills or credit cards on autopay?
  • Are you able to access and afford healthcare or health insurance for you and your family members?
  • Do you have zero debt or low amounts of debt and/or do you have disposable income?
  • Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?  

If your answers are…

  • All or Mostly YES consider our Generosity Rate of $350.  This rate enables us to provide discounted and free spots to others.  
  • Some YES and some NO consider our Full Rate $270.  This covers the estimated cost of the workshop if it is filled.  
  • Mostly NO consider our Discount Rate $150. This rate helps us cover the estimated cost of the workshop if it is filled.  
  • All NO consider our Free Rate. This cost enables participants to freely participate without incurring undue financial hardship

Why Is UUWF Hosting This?
The leadership of UUWF is excited to offer this programming opportunity to our wider community. We acknowledge that we, individually and as an organization, have historically been complicit in the silencing of some women and gender-expansive people. This program will help to actualize our vision of building a Beloved Community of women and gender-expansive people across diverse backgrounds and experiences.

UUWF board and staff who identify as white will be participating.  


Tel: 414-750-4404

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